The Color Purple

Author:   Alice Walker
Name of Reviewer:      Amelita Houlne

Brief Summary of Book:
Story told in letters -- from Celie to God, Nettie to Celie, and Celie to Nettie.  The sad, desperate life of blacks in the South, especially the black women.  The lack of education, the chauvinism of the men, the ignorance and poverty and powerlessness.  A great part of the story deals with missionaries in Africa and Nettie's experience there.  Nettie and Celie are separated for many years and at the end are re-united.  All's well that ends well.

My thoughts on the book:
A good read -- story flowed right along -- characters are very real -- Shug's character well-drawn.  The African natives' reaction to the missionaries surprised me.  The missionaries are there to help, but the natives look on them as intruders:  they accept the help but are not grateful.

Why the book was banned:
The book was banned, I would think, because of the open sexuality and promiscuous behavior, incest, and homosexuality.  The mores of 30 years ago are not those of today.

A good straight look at the plight of the blacks in a segregated society.  Far out-does the current novel "The Help" of today, in telling it like it is.

Which of these banned books have you read?